Tips for Microblading Your Brows for the First Time
If you’re someone who would love to have their eyebrows on fleek 24/7 but find it tedious to apply makeup to it every single time, maybe you can look at options such as microblading. This is a popular new technique that gives you semi-permanent makeup.
Some would characterize it as permanent because of the fact that it doesn’t come off, but it will eventually fade and require a touch-up. Microblading is essentially the creation of small incisions on the eyebrow area. Pigments will then be placed in these micro-cuts (hence the name of the process) to come up with realistic-looking eyebrows.
What to Expect
Because microblading involves very minimal cutting on the skin, you can expect some scabbing after treatment, although it should be very mild. Also, your brows may look a bit dark for a while after treatment. Once it is fully healed, however, you can enjoy a more natural-looking shade.
It’s going to be itchy, but resist touching or scratching it. Because it is technically an open wound, it’s also not advisable to wear any facial products, including make-up, in the meantime. That said, use only facial wipes for cleansing; do not wash your hair. Follow this tip so that it heals fully at the soonest possible time.
Before the Procedure
If it’s your first time setting an appointment for microblading with a facility like Del Mar Spa Studios, it’s important that you prepare well for it so everything goes well. You can expect that the procedure is going to take a bit of time, and that you’re going to be lying down the entire time. You might want to bring your earphones so you can relax while undergoing the procedure.
Do not drink any alcohol or caffeine for the 24 hours immediately preceding your appointment. Ibuprofen and fish oil supplements must also be avoided within this period. Also, it’s best that you don’t trim, wax, shave, or tweeze your brows at least a week before the appointment. This is because that area of your face is sensitive, and not spacing your eyebrow treatments can cause you soreness and pain.
Of course, you can give your microblading artist an image of the shape and color that you would like to have. This makes communication that much easier with them because they have a visual point of reference.
After the Procedure
Once the procedure is complete, you can expect to feel some soreness, as well as redness. Don’t be all too concerned as this is normal. It should clear in about 1-4 days. Always wash your hands clean before touching the tattoo area to avoid infection (remember, it is still technically an open wound).
After the soreness will come the flakiness and itching. Again, this is normal. You should, however, refrain from touching or scratching the area, even if it gets very tempting to peel the dry skin off. Also, apart from avoiding washing your face for the rest of the week, it’s also advised that you skip heavy workouts that can get you sweaty.
All in all, the complete healing process can take anywhere from 3 to 4 weeks, so understand that microblading requires commitment. It’s not something that you can change your mind about for convenience.