Relocating Heavy Equipment

A range of industries rely on specialized equipment to safely produce quality products. As automation, lean practices and safety continue to be vital components of any type of production, industrial machinery itself as an industry continues to grow. When it is time to expand or relocate to a different facility, that vital equipment, whether new or old, needs to be safely transported to ensure a business thrives. Below are four key considerations when searching for heavy equipment movers near me.

Relocating Heavy Equipment

Facility Layout

Before making any kind of move, a proper layout of the new location should be determined. That includes details of every size, such as shelving placement, warehouse space, material proximity and the equipment. If there is an assembly line involved, making sure the space for people and machinery is ergonomically and efficiently designed can make a big impact.

Size Matters

It can be easy to misjudge the actual size of the equipment. While some machines are relatively small and easily transportable, those that are heavy-duty will likely require specialized equipment to load, transport and unload. It also may require specialized professionals, such as electricians or technicians, to ensure that it is properly dismantled or handled correctly. Knowing how much equipment needs to be moved should also be factored into the equation.

Perform an Audit

The less that has to be moved, the easier and quicker the entire process can be. For businesses that are in the position to relocate, it presents an ideal time to do a complete inventory of everything in the facility. It can also be a great time to rethink processes and develop more efficient methods for once the equipment has been moved.

Auditing the equipment should also take into consideration how often machinery is used, how old it is and its true benefits to the organization. If it is a massively large machine that is rarely used, is it worth moving? Is there an advanced alternative that is smaller and features newer technology? Facilities should also consider the current material on-site. It’s rare for a warehouse to not have a section of never or rarely used materials off in some hidden corner. Avoid wasted costs and taking up new space with unneeded items.


No matter what is being moved, it needs to arrive in the condition it left its former location. It’s important to find an expert that can handle every step of the process with the safety of people and equipment in mind every step of the way. Any mover should be licensed, insured, and immersed in safety and efficiency practices.