Remote Therapy Might Be Uniquely Helpful for Substance Use Patients
Receiving therapy remotely has become substantially more commonplace within the last ten years, and especially within the last five. Some people might decide to get remote therapy even if they could make appointments with therapists in their areas. Lots of other patients might not be able to do so, and remote therapy could be a great option for them.
Remote Work
Getting remote therapy is especially helpful for the patients who have substance use disorders, or it has the potential to be that way. Some patients who have these conditions might not actually be able to drive vehicles, and remote therapy could give them the chance to get therapy without relying on public transportation or ride-sharing services.
Individuals who have had alcohol use disorders in the past may have lost their driver’s licenses. They also might suffer from cognitive issues that will dramatically affect their ability to operate motor vehicles. The patients who were once dependent on different benzodiazepines might have similar issues now, especially if they were using those substances for extended periods of time.
Those patients may be able to resolve the health and legal issues that could be preventing them from driving eventually. However, in the meantime, they will still need to get support from professional therapists. That support may be necessary before they are truly able to fix some other concerns in their lives. A remote therapist may be able to help a lot of patients who have these issues.
Emotional Security
Plenty of people specifically choose to work from home because they feel safer in their own homes. It’s considered one of the benefits of this sort of work, and it’s helped to make remote work more possible as it becomes more practical for everyone. Patients who have mental health conditions might find it particularly useful to receive therapy under these circumstances.
They’ll be speaking to a therapist, but they will still be in their own homes. When patients have just returned from treatment centers like, spending more time living independently in their own homes might be especially important. They might feel more like they’re moving forward, and getting remote therapy might only strengthen those feelings of security.
The act of going to the therapist’s office in the first place can be stressful for patients, especially if they have been involved in car accidents. Motor vehicle accidents of all kinds are more common among benzodiazepine patients, as well as alcohol use patients and most other substance use disorder patients. They might not feel safe once they’ve reached a therapist’s office, and could spend much of the session thinking about the journey back.
Remote therapy can help therapists avoid some of those other confounding variables that could be getting in the way of the success of the treatment regimen itself. They can focus on the therapy session directly, since there usually won’t be any conflict associated with the setup of the session or anything else. Substance use patients might find it easier to keep these appointments.